Hưng Thịnh - Hải Giang Merry Land
https://batdongsanhungthinh.com.vn/hai-giang-merry-land/ Tập đoàn Hưng Thịnh đang triển khai dự án Hải Giang Merry Land tại Quy Nhơn....

D+ design book 2020
Our profile and credential is available at: https://issuu.com/home/published/d__book_2020_issuu2

Dat's pizza coming soon
Chef Dat Nguyen (https://www.facebook.com/dat.nguyen.1884) is planning a new pizzia restaurant in Hanoi, coming soon in 2020

Manwah Taiwanese Hotpot
A new Manwah hotpot restaurant has been launched at 65 An Duong Vuong in District 5 HCMC with new image concept, by Design Plus 2019.

Capital Studio - a new spaceship in town
A new concept in office design: Capital Studio, by Design Plus 2019

Restaurant - Beer - Sport Club S-BROTHERS has been Grand Opening from Oct 17, 2019. Check it out at 11B Nguyen Binh Khiem District 1,...

Extra office space for rent!
D+ is looking for some freelance designers to rent this small office room in a creative, friendly working space

48 Bistro An Duong Vuong
48 Bistro added a new location at 292 An Duong Vuong, Dist.5 https://www.facebook.com/48bistrovietnam/videos/290546251807496/